The Academy of Financial Services will hold its annual conference in conjunction with the FPA's annual conference. In light of recent events, we have restructured pricing for this year’s virtual annual meeting:
$199 for academics and practitioners and $99 for students.
- The AFS Conference will feature speakers, symposia, several special sessions, posters, and a reception. Among them, we will introduce a new panel session for PhD students, highlighting how to best navigate the job market.
- With the generous support of our sponsors, the Academy has awarded several best paper awards during past meetings and we anticipate continuing Best Paper awards in 2020.
- We will continue with our Emerging Scholar Award to a current graduate student for promising research work on a paper or poster presented at the conference.
- In addition, in 2020, we will initiate a new, Program Directors track. The goal is to allow program directors to present and discuss program issues and best practices in a panel environment, such as “Working with Your University’s Foundation”, “Capstone Course Cases: What’s the Right Content?”, “Understanding Career Paths and Student Fit” and “Developing a Passionate Program in a Box: Scholarships, Competitions, Student organizations”. We welcome other panel topics deemed beneficial to program directors.
Submission Information: Research papers and abstracts covering all aspects of individual financial management and education are sought for inclusion in the program. Papers in the areas of estate planning, insurance, tax accounting aspects of financial planning, investments, and retirement planning are encouraged. Proposals for panel discussions and tutorials devoted to current issues in individual financial management or the practice of financial planning will also be considered for inclusion in the program. Several sessions will be registered for Continuing Education (CE) credit with the CFP® Board.
Submit your paper or abstract here:
- Submissions are due July 1st
- The review period ends on July 31st, 2020 with the selection period and formulation of the agenda estimated to be completed by August 31st, 2020. Notice of acceptance as an oral session or a poster is targeted for September 5th, 2020.
- Note that the Terms and Conditions of this Call-For are outlined in the online submission form.
- Only accepted presentations are included in the subsequent proceedings, which are posted on the AFS website. Thus, the proceedings publication is refereed in order to accommodate the rules of the American Association of Intercollegiate Schools of Business-International (AACSB) on Table 2-1 (Intellectual Contributions).
For further Information: